Shopian September 03: In view of the forthcoming Assembly Elections 2024 and in accordance with the guidelines of the ECI, the Municipal Council Shopian has notified the availability of advertising spaces in Shopian town for political parties and candidates for the purpose of election campaigning.
Interested parties and candidates have been asked to approach the Municipal Council Shopian from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM everyday upto 15th of September 2024 i.e End of Campaigning period for reservation of hoarding spots at MC Office, New Building, Room No.05, First floor,Tax Section, contact number 9419780518.
The advertising space allocated is subject to the approval from DEO Shopian through online mode (ENCORE Portal) or offline mode from ENCORE team, located at Meeting Hall, 3rd floor, Mini Secretariat, Shopian who can be contacted at 7006550082.
21 sites are available across the town for the purpose at the rates of Rs 1666 per day for Hoardings sized 20×10 (14 sites available); Rs 1333 per day for Hoardings sized 20× 08 ( 05 sites available) and Rs 1000 per day for Hoardings sized 10×08 (02 sites available), inclusive of all taxes.
The payments is made at the time of allotment through cash deposition with the MC.
In addition to the above sites, five (05) LED advertising boards are also available at 4-Way Chowk, Bonabazar, Gole Chowk, Zero Point and Batpora for AV display.
The advertising charges for these LED boards are ₹10 per second, payable to the MC Shopian through cash or online mode, inclusive of all taxes, subject to the approval from district Media Certification and Monitoring Committee, located at Meeting Hall, 3rd floor Mini, Secretariat Shopian and can be contacted at 9622610503 or 01933315080.
MCMC is the district level team for Pre-Certifying the political advertisements of AV aids.
To ensure a level playing field for all candidates and parties, the spots will be allocated equitably, on a first come first serve basis or draw of lots method.