Churunda, Uri. 04 Sep 23 : A three day medical camp in association with Borderless World Foundation at the remote villages Churunda , Paul Sokar & Sukhdar near Line of Control in Uri sector wef 04 Sep 2023 to 06 Sep 2023 by Mike Bn under aegis of Pir Panjal Brigade. During the First day of the camp, a first of its kind mega medical camp, it has brought together a team of 11 specialist Doctors to visit the border area villages. Expert specialist doctors are providing free medical treatment & referral to more than 150 patients. The camp has a plethora of initiatives that includes free checkups, free distribution of medicines and laboratory investigations consultation and counselling to the needy and old age villagers of the border area. The highlight of the camp is not only the specialised medical assistance but also the border villages which are enjoying the ceasefire understanding at Line of control. After undergoing prolonged vagaries of the tension at the borders the villagers are happy after receiving lot of support from Indian Army for their social upliftment and towards better quality of life. The special attention given in respect of Eyes, Orthro, Pediatric, Gynecologist etc are all something that is often neglected by people due to lack of awareness or availability in far flung areas.
The doctors from across the country came forward for the noble cause & also educated the villagers on prevention of various lifestyle diseases & ways to overcome them. People from the villages are attending the medical camp in large numbers, said the head of the medical team.
He also added that the camp has acted as a hub for broad based interaction, harmony & trust between Army and villagers. He also stated that Indian Army has taken up wide range of welfare schemes which aims at relentlessly & steady up-liftment of the society in a holistic manner. The civil administration along with elected members of villages greatly appreciated the efforts of the Indian Army toward restoring the health of village people of the border area.

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