
Inquiry ordered into unauthorized entry by fake doctor at LD Hospital

SRINAGAR, SEP 21: In response to a shocking incident where an individual impersonating a cardiologist gained unauthorized entry into the labour room of Lal Ded Hospital in Srinagar, the Jammu and Kashmir Health and Medical Education Department has taken swift action.

On Thursday, an inquiry officer was appointed to investigate the incident and assess security protocols at the hospital.

Administrator of Associated Hospitals, GMC Srinagar, Hashmat Ali Yatoo, has been assigned the crucial role of inquiry officer. The department has instructed him to submit his comprehensive report within three days, shedding light on the circumstances surrounding the unauthorized intrusion by the fake doctor.

The official order stated, “Sanction is hereby, accorded to the appointment of Sh. Hashmat Ali Yatoo (IAS), Administrator, Associated Hospitals, Government Medical College, Srinagar as Inquiry Officer to enquire into the matter regarding unauthorized entry and intrusion into the Labor Room of Lal Ded Hospital, Srinagar by a fake doctor.”

The incident that has sent shockwaves through the medical community and the region occurred on Wednesday when an individual falsely claiming to be a cardiologist managed to gain access to Lal Ded Hospital. This audacious act raised concerns not only about the security arrangements at the hospital but also about the safety of the patients and staff.

Hospital officials were quick to respond to the breach, vowing to tighten security measures and launch a thorough investigation into how the impersonator managed to infiltrate the premises. The incident has underscored the need for robust security protocols within healthcare facilities to protect both medical staff and patients.

The inquiry ordered by the Jammu and Kashmir Health and Medical Education Department is expected to shed light on the extent of the security lapse and help prevent similar incidents in the future. Meanwhile, the authorities have called for vigilance and heightened security measures across healthcare institutions in the region to ensure the safety and well-being of all stakeholders.

The findings of the inquiry will be eagerly awaited as the region grapples with the need to fortify its healthcare infrastructure and protect against unauthorized entries and breaches that put lives at risk.

According to the official statement issued by the Srinagar Police, the suspect has been identified as Mohd Kifayat Rather, son of Ab Rashid Rather, and a resident of Saloora Ganderbal. The imposter was taken into custody on charges of impersonating a medical professional and infiltrating the healthcare facility under false pretences.

The police action came in response to a report lodged at the Rajbagh Police Station, where a First Information Report (FIR) numbered 42/2023 was registered under relevant sections of the law pertaining to impersonation and fraudulent activities.

The incident raised concerns about the security protocols in place at Lal Ded Hospital, a prominent healthcare institution in the region, and ignited discussions about the need for stringent measures to prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining access to medical facilities.

The arrest of the alleged fake doctor serves as a reminder of the importance of ensuring the safety and integrity of healthcare institutions. Hospitals and medical centres play a critical role in providing healthcare services to the public, and incidents of impersonation can pose serious risks to patients’ well-being. Authorities have vowed to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter to determine how the imposter managed to enter the hospital and for what purpose. They are also expected to assess and enhance security measures at Lal Ded Hospital to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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