
Neglected Water Stream in Ganie Mohalla Kaloosa Calls for Urgent Reconstruction, Advocates Wasif Mir.

Bandipora, Sep 19 : The water stream passing through Ganie Mohalla Kaloosa Bandipora, a vital water channel serving the community, demands urgent attention and reconstruction. Over the years, this significant stream has been neglected, leading to a deteriorating state that affects the surrounding areas and the livelihoods of the people residing there, District Youth President Jammu Kashmir Apni Party Wasif Mir said in a pressnote.
Wasif said that the stream, once a lifeline for the community, has suffered due to lack of maintenance and reconstruction efforts. The deterioration has impacted both the environment and the residents who depend on its water for various needs. It is essential to prioritize the revitalization and reconstruction of this water channel to ensure sustainable development and improved quality of life for the people in the region.
He urged the District Administration Bandipora and Irrigation Department to take immediate action and implement necessary steps for the renovation of this vital water stream. Addressing the maintenance and reconstruction of this channel is not only a matter of public welfare but also a demonstration of the government’s commitment to environmental conservation and community well-being.
It is imperative that adequate resources and expertise are allocated to restore the stream to its former glory, enhancing its functionality and resilience against natural challenges. This initiative will not only preserve the environment but also positively impact the lives of countless residents who rely on its resources, Mir said

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